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Custom Physical Properties

You can easily set universal physical properties which will be adhered by every RigidBody and Constraint!

In order to set universal physical properties, use the Engine:SetPhysicalProperty() method!

This method takes in 2 parameters - The property name, which is a string and its new value. Here are the physical properties you can set as of now:

  • Gravity - Vector2 (By default, 0.3))
  • Friction - number (By default 0.01)
  • AirFriction - number (By default 0.01)
  • CollisionMultiplier - number (By default 0.8)
  • UniversalMass - number (By default 1)

Gravity is a vector, the force is applied every RenderStepped on all rigid bodies. You can simulate 0 gravity or even sideways gravitational force! An example from the previous tutorial:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Nature2D = require(ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Nature2D"))

local ScreenGui = script.Parent
local Canvas = ScreenGui.Canvas

local engine = Nature2D.init(ScreenGui)

for _, box in ipairs(Canvas.Boxes:GetChildren()) do
engine:Create("RigidBody", { Object = box, Collidable = true, Anchored = false })
engine:SetPhysicalProperty("Gravity",, 0)) -- sideways

Custom friction and airfriction damping value can also be set to increase or decrease friction. The higher the value of friction, the higher it is and vice-versa!

engine:SetPhysicalProperty("Friction", 0.01)
engine:SetPhysicalProperty("AirFriction", 0.01)

CollisionMultiplier is a multiplier value used to increase or decrease the repulsion force when a RigidBody collides with the boundaries of the canvas.

engine:SetPhysicalProperty("CollisionMultiplier", 0.1)

UniversalMass is the default mass value for any RigidBody in the Engine. This value will be used if Mass isn't specified for a RigidBody on creation.

engine:SetPhysicalProperty("UniversalMass", 5)